Friday, 4 December 2015


Day 1
The first location we filmed in was the multi-story car park. We started off by filming the lift door VFX shot.

This shot has been covered in a previous post.

We then proceeded to film the other shots, including:
  • The tracking shot of Ben walking to his car
  • The mugging
  • The shots of Ben driving away
  • The shots of Ben driving past the paramedic and the victim of the mugging

Day 2
On the second day of shooting, we started by filming all of the shots of Ben lying in bed. We did this by using a crane we had made for our film opening, last year. I secured the crane at the back to ensure the camera would not fall onto the actor, in the event that Tom dropped it.

We also used this set-up for the areal shots of Ben getting into bed.

We then used a black bed sheet as a black backdrop for the lip syncing.

We then moved on to film the panning shots of Ben driving, after he leaves the car park.

Day 3
On the third day of shooting, we started by filming the shots of Ben pulling over on the side of the road, after he leaves the mugging, to calm himself down. We decided to film these shots, as otherwise, the video would not make sense - he leaves the mugging while the victim is by her car and by the time he gets outside, she is already there, with the paramedic. Adding in these shots helped to show the passing of time, between the two scenes.

We then went to the underpass, to film the fight scene.

Day 4
On the fourth day, we shot in the café - we had originally planned to film this on the third day but the café we had planned to use, cancelled. Therefore, we decided to call The Rose Café in Chelmsford, on the Friday, and they let us film in their café on the Sunday.


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